Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thoughts about critiqing design

Went to sleep with a dream last night , and woke up with a purpose. Ended up having yet another frustrating night on Photoshop yesterday, it just dosent want to be my friend, which is fine because im not a fan of it either, or come to think about it digital art. Yes i am hypocritical so let me explain, it becomes more of a last resort. There is no antiquity to them, its like the difference of going to the movies and going to the theatre. The pictures will always play the movie the same way, its always going to be the same, routined , predictible and if all else fails you can always get your hands on a copy of it to keep to watch whenever and especially these days where ever. The theatre on the other hand is all about the spirit of now, getting lost in the moment and there is a certin timelessness ( if that is indeed a word ) to it, also you will never see the same theatre performance again, more importanly you could never recreate the irreplacable atmosphere. This makes it very temporary, against movies which would easily outlive any apocalypse we enter in our brief existance. Once the show is over it merely makes you think

"This day will never come again , so let me keep this moment"

..and perhaps thats what makes me so sad about today's society, with the internet you can become a celebrity overnight and lose it in seconds. More so with design, and even art to a degree has become so.. cheap and commercialized. I went to an exhibit the other week, i wont say what one as it does not matter, was all digital images and to the so - called artists credit i was impressed with how beautiful the images appeared to be. I overheard someone attempt to critique the students work ( yes it was a student's exhibition ) and realised how very easy it is for designers to not confront criticism by inferring that the critic was interpreting its aims and purpose wrongly.

I for one want to be able to orchestrate my own thoughts about work without being told that my criticism is born from "not getting it" where as at the same time the creator ( god forbid ) auctually fails to make a point with their work. I was always under the impression that art is not what you see, but what you make others see, and aparently i am wrong. I will however say this to the design student whom if they ever descended down upon us mere mortals who do not comphrend the finer points of "art". Every point of a view is useful, even those that are wrong.. if you can judge why a wrong view was accepted.

And you know what , all the work was based around gestures and comments towards politicial policy, wierd scientific theories and even a very ambitious ill-informed view on the design world itself. Maybe Political journalists and scientists should be in a better position to critique the work, however as this was experienced in a gallery ( which is a huge understatement ) they will never get to see it.

What i am trying to highlight with my poorly constructed bitch here is that design, or even technology for that matter is not a straight line, there are several other ways that all eventually end up at the same end. By accepting "one" path simply blinds you to alternatives. You know what , for people that care i will pose a question. If art , design , animation, technology or even architecture is to speak, what language does it use?

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