Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hate for photography

Yes the title says that, and i realise that i use photos to show my ideas. I feel like i lose a part of my soul with each photo i chuck up. A photo is the death of a moment, its that moment as it was then. By taking a photo you are simply showing a clip of the atmosphere, which is no longer around. Its reminscient of a joke that fails to be funny when repeated. In my defence i am trying to use photography as an applied solution rather than novelty, like everyone with a digital camera.

I also think you have too much control over the manipulation of a photo, wait .. what am i saying. Lets turn this post into how to become a professional photographer. Firstly buy a digital camera, you are now halfway to becoming a professional, alongside everyone who owns a camera or cellphone. Make sure you have light in your photo, othwerise photoshop helps. I will also put up a few photos, dont feel discouraged i am very artsy and professional because i have a digital camera.

Mindless bitching aside, Current display processed images create too many exaggerated opportunities to create less clinical reproductions of reality, further enabling the introduction of midly artistic elements such as vintage or contrast to be available to more of the public. The availability of this technology has resulted in vivid abuse and over-use resulting in a tsunami of soulless sub - par images in such a commercial manner. The internet seems to be flooded with photo technology porn.