Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The centre within structure

It is beyond comphrension to concieve of an unorganized structure, subconsciously or not we always orientate ourselves around a point of refrence, or a centre. The responsibility of a centre is to organize and balance a structure, by orienting the coherence of the systems and elements within its total form. The suggestion of a structure devoid of any centre is simply unthinkable. It physically, metaphorically or even emotionally cannot work.

By following this system of thinking however we end up with a catch - 22. By agreeing with this statement we situate that the centre is at the centre of the totality (which is a fact), however since the centre does not belong to the structure, as it is not part of the structure, the totality therefore has its centre somewhere else.

Its an intresting thought that the centre is not the centre.

1 comment:

  1. Posted by Panlilio;
    more like incomprehensible? :))))) can you please explain this. i'm totally lost, and also terribly slow with most things. haha!okay wait. just a theory, correct me if i'm wrong. but are you saying that i should not justify editing photos because it's wrong/cheap or a degradation of photography? XD

    Alright, say we have something. Can be anything like design objects and environments, both real and virtual, within a critical and theoretical framework. So we'll just call it the totality.

    Every totality has a centre, like a point of refrence.
    ( For example, with people its debateable if its the head or heart, with a circle its the middle, with percentages its 100.)
    ... See More
    The point behind the centre is to balance things and also to orient ourselves. If we know what the physical, emotional or metaphorical boundaries are in a totality, then we can "use" it or at least establish a relationship with it.
    (For example, for a square we know that it has four sides)

    Basically absolutely everything has a centre, but if this is true that means that the centre is at the very heart of the totality.
    (For example, In a circle, the very point in the middle of it is the centre)

    However in every totality the centre does not belong to the structure
    (For example, Pythogras is the centre of mathematical triangles but it does not belong to the structure of a triangle)

    Which means that the centre is not the centre.

    And as for your photography comment, no. Your photos are full of life and there is a level of antiquity to them. Words or drawings shouldnt be the only way to show an audience how you feel or percieve the world.

    I acknowledge this as an appropriate metaphor.
