How much more differently can a typical object be measured if given an alternative title? Please excuse my lack of photoshopping or cleaning up the object.
Can't read anything? One thing i am trying to "highlight" is that co-operation furthers mutual goals. Take this website for example, light paralyzes the imagination and it is only when it is dark that you can really see the stars.
Want to send an e-mail, leave a comment, complain or just say that your sad about something.
I am going to choreograph from a design point of view rather than my own personal life which i find does not deserve the pathetic credibility that is attained from what can only be called internet stardom.
I suppose as i need to situate some kind of relationship to whoever reads this, i had better say abit about myself. To anyone who knows me or cares, my name can be simply Theomarche, the jack-o-lantern that scared himself or even the friendly cactus. Therefore in short my name does not matter, this is dedicated to design. There is nothing i love more than the eccentric, outrageous and just downright bizarre. The great thing about the design and technological industry is that it is and always has been an opportunity to test how far i can push my imagination.. and myself.
More importantly it offers the chance to see how much people are willing to accept as audience members. Maybe you will laugh, maybe you will cry or maybe you will simply hate me for these silly ideas but please react with your gut and i'll feel like i've achieved what i set out to do.
Great pic